Swings and Roundabouts

It’s been quite a week, and apparently not just for me. A strange 7 days of nothing bad happening, but yet feeling stressed. And I’m happy to say, it seems to be waning—that stressed out feeling.

View from the kitchen table.

I’ve been staying at my son’s house, cat-sitting. I love the cats, but they do yowl, very loudly, at odd times of the day and night, for no discernible reason. And I love the trees over the back fence, which are fully loaded with birds chorusing throughout the day. Wonderful. I would post a little video for you, but WordPress won’t let me unless I pay up. But I’m happy with my little cheapo website for the moment.

The disadvantage of being here is that, what with the birdsong and the cats yowling, and the primary school playground just beyond the trees, I can’t record anything here. Apart from the birds…

Not the greatest recording quality, I apologise for that. Next time I’ll take the Macbook Pro out there and try again. It would be nice to be able to provide my own sound effects for Helen’s adventures. In the meantime, there is a wonderful website called https://freesound.org/ which has a phenomenal range of sound snippets contributed by people from all over the world. I slip a few pennies their way once in a while which doesn’t hurt either.

I’m heading home to my wee crone cottage tomorrow, with its sound box on the dining table and reasonably sound proofed double glazing—but sadly, minimal bird song. Hopefully have a new episode ready for you by the end of the week. I’d love to know how you find it. Are the episodes too long? Too short? Too many characters? Not enough characters? Please do drop me a line in the comments.

And yes, in case you didn’t notice, we are having stunning late spring weather here in Liverpool at the moment. Let’s make the most of it while we can.

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★★★★★ "Just what is old? You can’t help but love the lead character Helen as she tries to dodge the, “Are you alrights,” from her family and she searches for the true meaning of the word “Old”Flloyd is a master of timing and voices. Really enjoyable."

(shaaaaaarz UK)
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★★★★★ "Clever tales in a unique woman's voice. Flloyd’s mini-dramas are refreshing, witty and cleanly done. Acerbic yet sweet, like a fresh lemonade."

(nirmalajc US)
via Apple Podcasts

★★★★★ Very interesting. Nice stories and nice delivery.  Looking forward to more.  (Fun 1894, US)

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"I have just found this piece of genius. What a talented performer Flloyd is. Some versatile acting provides us with four different and equally believable characters and the piece is written with truth and pathos. Beautiful editing too, I recommend it. And Flloyd, old? Never!" Sarah Macdonald

“Absolutely wonderful, almost sounds as if it was written by a real writer.” Bill Cooke, (who is even more twisted than Flloyd).